Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Enclave Persuavise letter

Still not convinced yet? Still living on Earth? Well, our good ciztizen Donnie isn't. Donnie is an American that used to live on Earth until one day his good friend Storm sent him a letter that made him move instantly! Storm came to us and told us how she convinced someone to move to our Utopia. Here's the letter:

Dear Donnie,
I know it's been a long time since I talked to you, but I no longer live on Earth anymore! I don't understand how you could put up with how society has been and is still treating you! I know growing up as a child, you've been builled, but at The Enclave, bullying isn't permitted! The Enclave is based on the word "kindness" and everyone is nice to each other! The also offer free houses to their citizens just for living there.They give out diamonds too! Basically, everyone in The Enclave is rich and nobody has to experience what it feels like to be homeless. When you move there, you get assigned either an A, B, or C schedule. The A shift (if you have a job), runs in the morning, the B schedule runs in the afternoon, and the C schedule runs in the night. Each shift is five hours long. Students also get an A, B, or C schedule because school runs on its own schedule. The A schedule starts at 7:00 AM and ends at 12:00 PM, the B schedule runs from 1:00 PM, to 6:00 PM , and the C schedule runs from 7:00 PM and ends at 12:00 AM. Once you've finished your A, B, or C schedule you're free to do whatever you want. I was assigned the A schedule, so when I'm done with work, I go to the mall or usually hang out with my friend named Naz'Timari. You don't haev to worry about being someone you're not or trying to fit in. Everyone accepts you for who you are, so come on down here! Don't you want a change in life where everything is just perfect? I want you to think about it!
                                                                                   Storm Pizzaro

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